Introduction to Pulmonary Physiology Attributions

This page displays all the attributions for the images used in the Introduction to Pulmonary Physiology simulation.

There are three images merged and labeled from left to right with numbers one, two and three. Image number one is is an illustration of a pair of lungs. The trachea connects with the lungs, which are surrounded by the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura, which form the pleural cavity. The lungs are protected by the ribs. The second image shows the trachea dividing into two bronchi, which is a branched structure with numerous terminations. Finally, the last image illustrates a group of small spheres tight together, the alveolis. A space inside the alveoli is shown, where only an empty air space and a small layer of surfactant are present.

1. Pneumothorax1 / Created by Servier Medical Art / Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 0.3) License / Taken from Smart Servier website / This image has been modified from the original.

2. Trachea And Bronchi / Created by Servier Medical Art / Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 0.3) License / Taken from Smart Servier website / This image has been modified from the original.

3. INTRAPULMONARY AIRWAYS / Created by Servier Medical Art / Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 0.3) License / Taken from Smart Servier website / This image has been modified from the original.