Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is usually measured in the major arteries of the circulatory system. It is a good indicator of the functioning of the heart and also of the elasticity and diameter of the arterial walls. Blood pressure is usually measured in units such as millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Arterial blood pressure oscillates naturally with the heartbeats. The minimum blood pressure occurs just before blood is pumped out of the heart (diastolic blood pressure), and the maximum just after the blood is pumped out of the heart (systolic blood pressure).

Diastolic blood pressure

Diastolic pressure occurs when the heart is relaxing and blood is flowing out of the arteries to the rest of the body. Normal diastolic pressure at rest should be between 60 and 80 mm Hg.

Systolic blood pressure

Systolic pressure occurs right after blood is pumped out of the heart into the arteries, stretching the arterial walls. Normal systolic pressure at rest should be between 80 and 120 mm Hg.