Color Blindness

Color-blindness is a X-linked recessive trait.
Here, you can see an example of how color-blindness is inherited.

Pedigree tree showing four possible offspring of a colourblind father and mother with normal vision, who is not a carrier for the colourblind gene. The father has an X chromosome containing the colourblind gene, and a Y chromosome. The mother has to normal X chromosomes. Two sons each have a normal X chromosome and a Y chromosome- there is a 0% probability that a son will be colourblind. Two daughters each have one X chromosome with the colourblind gene and one normal X chromosome- there is a 100% probability that a daughter will be a gene carrier for colourblindness.

Figure 1: Pedigree tree of a colorblind father and a mother with normal vision.

For further examples, check out these pages:

Non-color blind father and gene carrier mother

Color blind father and gene carrier mother

Non-color blind father and color blind mother

Two color blind parents