Ion concentration and Conductivity

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Ion concentration refers to the amount of ions present in a solution. It is a measure of the number of ions per unit volume of the solution. It is measured in units like mol/L or mmol/L .

Conductivity is the ability of a substance to conduct electric current. The relationship between ion concentration and conductivity is as follows:

Increasing ion concentration

Increasing ion concentration increases the conductivity, as more ions are available to carry current and collide, transferring charge. For example, increasing the concentration of a substance which is an electrolyte increase the ion concentration and conductivity.

Decreasing ion concentration

Decreasing ion concentration decreases conductivity, as fewer ions are available to carry the current and collide, creating a reduced charge. For example, diluting a solution lowers ion concentration and conductivity.

Understanding this relationship helps explain the behavior of solutions and electrolytes. Scientists can make informed predictions and explanations about the behavior of various solutions and electrolytes.