Concordant titres

The expression "concordant titers" refers to the volume of two or more titres that are similar in quantity (less than a 0.10 mL difference between each other).

We record the titration results in the table like this:

Rough 1 2 3 4
final burette reading (mL) 27.50 23.35 25.70 21.95 25.2
initial burette reading (mL) 3.20 1.30 2.65 0.00 3.20
titre 24.3 22.05 23.05 21.95 22.00

We can ignore the rough titration result. The results of titration 1,3, and 4 are concordant. Titration 2 is too high. We can calculate the mean titer for titration 1, 3 and 4, and ignore the titration 2.

Mean titre = (22.05+21.95+22.00)/3 = 22.00 mL

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