Food biochemistry assay

Biochemistry assay is performed to detect the presence of certain macromolecules in a sample.

Table with 5 columns titled Indicator, macromolecules, negative result, positive result, and control. Benedict's indicator for simple sugars has a blue negative result, a red, orange, yellow or yellow-green positive result, and glucose is control. Iodine indicator for complex carbohydrates has a dark red, yellow, brown or white negative result, a black or dark blue positive result and starch is control. Biuret's indicator for proteins has a blue negative result, a violet or black positive result, and egg for control. Sudan 4 indicator for lipid has a red or one orange layer negative result, two layered negative result that is red-orange at top and white below and the control is vegetable oil.

Table 1. Summary of Biochemistry Assays.

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