Key terms
Here are the key terms used throughout this simulation. Please use this theory page as a glossary when needed:
- Inorganic - anything that does not contain a majority of carbon
- Nomenclature - the noun for naming in science
- Monoatomic - consisting of only one atom
- Polyatomic - consisting of multiple atoms
- Anion - negatively charged ion, formed by nonmetals only
- Cation - positively charged ion, formed by metals only
- Binary compound - a compound consisting of exactly two different elements
- Ionic compound - a compound that is primarily held together by ionic bonds, which is often the case for binary compounds of one metal and one nonmetal
- Covalent compound - a compound that is primarily held together by covalent bonds, which is often the case for binary compounds of two nonmetals
- Oxyanion - negatively charged ion that contains an element covalently bonded to oxygen
- Oxyacid - a neutral compound that contains hydrogen, oxygen, and at least one other covalently bonded element