Master mix
For an experiment with 7 sample tubes and 5 reagents (4 of which are required at the same concentration), the number of required pipette movements are shown. The figure below shows the number of pipette movements necessary without the use of a master mix. For the same experiment, a master mix is now used. Notice the drop in the number of pipette movements - imagine even larger experiments and the time and workload difference achieved.
Figure 1: Two experimental setups with 7 sample tubes and 5 reagents (4 of which are required at the same concentration). The number of required pipette movements is shown. This figure shows the number of pipette movements necessary with and without the use of a master mix.
When conducting an experiment with a large number of similar samples, it is common to prepare a master mix to ease the workload in the lab. Suppose all your samples have a similar mixture of reagents with only 1 reagent varying from sample to sample. In that case, a master mix can be prepared with all the common reagents (of course, this is only possible if all reagents are required in the same concentrations). Now, when setting up your samples, you can pipette from the master mix and then add your variable reagent, instead of mixing, for example, 4 different reagents in correct amounts into every tube. The concept is illustrated in the figure above.
In this enzyme kinetics case, at a specific substrate concentration, a master mix, containing
Calculating substrate concentrations
In the experiment, you will need to calculate how much substrate to add to a tube to obtain the desired substrate concentration. This can be done using the following formula:
where C = concentration and V = volume. Remember to use the same units on both sides of the equality sign!
Example: We have a stock solution of the substrate at
If the stock concentration is
Insert and calculate: