Functions of the Skeletal System

The skeletal system has five main functions. These are support, protection, motion, storage of minerals and triglycerides, and blood cell formation.


The skeletal system provides a framework for the body. This framework allows you to stand up straight and maintain proper posture.


The skeletal system acts as a barrier, protecting our internal organs, for example, the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, and the skull provides protection to the brain.


The bones in the skeletal system act as levers or fulcrums, allowing rotation and movement in the joints. This enables us to perform a wide range of physical activities, from walking and running to more complex movements like throwing a ball or playing an instrument. The ribs play a crucial role in breathing by allowing rotation and movement, which results in a larger lung volume, less pressure in the lungs, and the ability to take in more air.


The primary storage area for calcium and phosphorus, minerals that are essential for life, is in the skeletal system. These minerals are crucial for maintaining healthy bones and are also important for other bodily functions such as muscle contraction and transmission of messages throughout the nervous system. Also, the long bones of the skeletal system contain yellow bone marrow, which is a storage area for fat.

Blood Cell Formation

Some bones contain red bone marrow. Both red blood cells and white blood cells are made in the red bone marrow.