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How to perform titration
Prepare the unknown concentration solution
Place the unknown concentration solution in a conical flask using a calibrated pipette.
Add a few drops of indicator into the unknown concentration solution.
Prepare the standard solution
Fill a clean burette with the standard solution.
Perform titration
Record the volume of the solution in the burette (First reading).
The solution should be added dropwise from the burette while continually swirling the flask when the
is close.
Record the volume of the solution in the burette (Final reading).
Prepare for analysis
Repeat titration until concordant titres are achieved.
Calculate the average of the concordant titers.
Points to consider about the titration procedure:
Rough titration
is performed before
accurate titration
Reading the burette
Concordant titre
Swirling: It is important to keep a titration well mixed, so the acid and alkali can rapidly contact each other. You can either manually swirl the flask or use mechanical stirring.
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