Common units in astronomy, astrophysics, and space science
Astronomical Unit (AU): A distance unit equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. In SI units, it is 1.50·1011 m.
Solar Mass (MSun): A mass unit equal to the mass of the Sun. In SI units, it is 1.99·1030 kg.
Earth Mass (MEarth): A mass unit equal to the mass of the Earth. In SI units, it is 5.97·1024 kg.
Jupiter Mass (MJ): A mass unit equal to the mass of Jupiter. In SI units, it is 1.90·1027 kg.
Day (d): A time unit equal to the time it takes for a planet to complete one revolution around its axis. If no other information is provided, the planet in question is assumed to be Earth.
Year (yr): A time unit equal to the time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit. If no other information is provided, the planet in question is assumed to be Earth.